The village of Nyabisindu is located in the Busasamana sector of Nyanza district. It is one of the resettlement areas established by the government for the survivors of the 1994 genocide. The village is mainly composed of women who were widowed during the genocide and therefore most of them are single mothers. Many who live in this village still suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), malnutrition, poverty and HIV/AIDS. The majority (over 95%) of residents have no stable source of income and eat only one meal per day.
Nyabisindu is the second village in our Village of Hope project. Dufatanye Organization has been intervening in this village since 2020 however due to COVID 19, the beginning was somewhat difficult and activities such as capacity building training could only be carried out on a limited scale. An assessment was conducted among the first 76 beneficiaries and new beneficiaries were added to the program due to the impact created and the generosity of our partners. Currently, we are supporting 185 families.
There is still a lot to be done to ensure sustainable development of the community and we invite you to partner with us in this Village of Hope project. For more information, please visit our website and do not hesitate to contact us.