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The Sanitary Pads Project

Currently many girls miss 5 - 7 days per month of school due to menstruation and this is because they are not able to afford sanitary pads, which makes them to use other options that are uncomfortable and unsanitary. This has led many of them to drop out of school, develop health complications and live with shame. It is unfair that the hope for a bright future for these girls is repressed due to lack of access to tools and knowledge concerning their reproductive heath.

This is why Dufatanye Organization teamed up with minazi Consulting to create a low cost, affordable, and sustainable solution to the problem through our sanitary pads project. Our mission will enable us achieve four Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

· No Poverty

· Good Health and Wellbeing

· Quality Education

· Gender Equality

This project will ensure that our girls do not lose their productive days at school, gain understanding about their sexual and reproductive health, and provide economic development to the local community through job creation.

We are grateful for the generous support from the amazing team at minazi Consulting who bring wealth of experience and technical skills to this project.

We look forward to giving more updates on our developments. If you would like to find out more and support this life changing project, do not hesitate to contact us.

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